Why Satan fights so hard for small tribes

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2)

Small tribes that accept the gospel are a picture of what the gospel should do to a culture.  The whole tribal culture is transformed, as they embrace God’s design for family, business, leadership, education and how they communicate.

Satan fights so hard to keep isolated tribes from hearing the whole Bible.  Satan knows that if the tribe converts, they will not have role models of compromised and lukewarm Christianity.  The tribe may actually follow God’s Word and be transformed.  Satan has strong delusions in the United States that Christians are only supposed to pray a prayer and not expect changes in their lifestyle or surrounding community.  The small tribes do not have these misconceptions.

Jesus we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. 29 To this end I also labor, striving according to His working which works in me mightily. (Colossians 1:28-29)

Church / Religion – The tribe believes the earth was created by God, we will be judged by God when we die and God wants a personal relationship with us here on earth.  This relationship is made possible by Jesus paying the price for all our offenses against God’s righteousness.  God can show His mercy, because the wrath of justice has been satisfied by Jesus being punished for us.

This change in their understanding of God leads to dramatic results as their idols and fearful worship of demons is replaced with a loving relationship with the God who loves them.

Family – Family relationships have some of the most dramatic changes.  Sex with multiple women is replaced with marriage between one man and one woman.  Children are nurtured as a gift and responsibility from God.  The rich and poor, strong and weak, young and old are seen as valuable, because they are made in the image of God.

Government & Leadership – The motivation of leaders shifts from obtaining status and wealth as others serve them to providing justice, protection and wise leadership as a service to the people.

Arts / Heroes – Brutal and selfish heroes are replaced with heroes that have Godly Character.  Love and compassion are no longer seen as weaknesses.  War between tribes decreases.

Education / Science – Truth replaces mysticism.  Embracing God’s design results in increased health and production.

Finances – Honesty and increased production results in wealth accumulation and profitable trade with other tribes.  Increased productivity is desired and rewarded.

Communication / Media – Blessing replaces cursing.  Envy and gossip is replaced with rejoicing in others successes.

In summary, God’s intent was that His Words would change every area of our life.






About Chaplain Dan

My desire in setting up this website is to encourage, equip and assist Christians with the Biblical gift of Discerning Spirits and help them use it to bring glory to God. If the gift is from the Holy Spirit, then the end results should be praise to God and the fruit of love, joy, peace, hope, self-control, and freedom from addiction oppression and bondage. This website is a tool to help you bridge from shock and wonder into fruitful service that brings glory to God.
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