They Are Getting Ready to Pray

Sometimes God sends angels to answer our prayers, before we even pray.

My wife has been involved in Moms in Touch for many years.  Moms in Touch is an organization that helps ladies pray for local schools. When the ladies get together to pray, they focus on praying blessings and virtues for the schools (Love, kindness, gentleness, self-control, courage, patience, etc.)

Several years ago, my wife felt prompted to start a Moms in Touch group for the local elementary school next to our house. We decided to host it at our house to get it started.

On the morning of the first prayer meeting, the ladies came to our house, after dropping off their kids. I went to work and realized that I had forgotten my presentation at home.  I started back home, and turned to go past the elementary school toward home.

I stopped the car in amazement.  There, in the middle of the street was a large angel.  He was looking at the school.   I was afraid to go forward.  I didn’t want to get in trouble.   I asked the angel, “Why are you here?”

The angel replied, “They are getting ready to pray.”

Then, I knew it was safe to pass and my heart was filled with joy.  I couldn’t speak.  I went into the house and retrieved the folder with my presentation.  My wife saw the funny smile on my face and asked me what was wrong.  All I could say was, “Have you started praying yet?”  Then I left.  I didn’t want to be a distraction to the prayer meeting.

I went back to work with awe and wonder at seeing God answer prayer.  Before they had even begun the prayer part of the prayer meeting, God had already sent one of His angels to grant their request.

When we pray, we are often not aware of how God answers in the spiritual realm.  I believe God showed me what happened, so that others would be encouraged to pray.

Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation? (Hebrews 1:14)

Moms in Touch Website

About Chaplain Dan

My desire in setting up this website is to encourage, equip and assist Christians with the Biblical gift of Discerning Spirits and help them use it to bring glory to God. If the gift is from the Holy Spirit, then the end results should be praise to God and the fruit of love, joy, peace, hope, self-control, and freedom from addiction oppression and bondage. This website is a tool to help you bridge from shock and wonder into fruitful service that brings glory to God.
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2 Responses to They Are Getting Ready to Pray

  1. Christian says:

    Hey Dan,

    Thanks so much for sharing this. It reminds me that we are talking to the One Person in the universe who actually has the power to do what we are asking. This not wishful thinking. With God all things are possible!


  2. Iffat Antram says:

    Good post there. Keep up the good work.